WATCH: Katherine Espín of Ecuador Wins Miss Earth 2016

Michelle Gomez of Colombia won the title Ms Earth Air, Stephanie De Zorzi of Venezuela won the title Ms Earth Water, Bruna Zanardo of Brazil won the title Ms Earth Fire and Katherine Espín of Ecuador won the most coveted title Ms Earth 2016.

During the final question and answer portion, Katherin was asked, “If you were selected as Miss Earth 2016, what would be your program to protect Mother Earth from climate change?”

Here is Katherine’s winning answer: “I truly believe in the 5 R’s, which is re-think, reduce, re-use, recycle and Respect. Because I believe that as human beings, if we apply that to our everyday lives, we can make a change, and we will reduce the problem that we just mentioned. If we apply that to our everyday lives, I believe that we… can save the place we live in which is our Mother Earth.”

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